Brian Rides a Bike

Just say no to cold ears

What surprised me today was how much space cars were giving me. I mean, you hear so much about how drivers don't respect bicyclists, but I really feel like they were paying more attention to me on a bike than they do when I'm walking. But I am sticking to as low traffic roads as possible, so maybe they figure that if they have the space, they might as well give it.

I'm going to have to start bringing a camera. I found the world's most dilapidated dog run today (not to mention at least 2 or 3 lost gloves) and some pictures could be interesting.

The best thing ever: 180 ear warmers. When it's cold and/or really windy outside I get terrible earaches. I don't mind when the outsides of my ears are cold, but when the cold reaches in, the pain is excruciating. It's a big, dull pain that spreads from my eardrum down to my jaw with a goal to make my life as unpleasant as possible, and 180s completely prevent that from happening. I also tend to hate wearing hats, and I'm already wearing a helmet anyway, so that's especially annoying. The 180s fit right below the helmet line, and the chin straps hold them firmly in place. When I was out, I completely forgot that they were there.

They also make some with headphones built in, but I'm not that dumb.

Also fun: Kate's Christmas present came today, shortly after I got back. What did I get her? The matching women's version of the same bike. And as our helmets came from the same place, we're bound to be sickeningly cute riding together.

Here's today's route:

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1 Responses to “Just say no to cold ears”

  1. # Blogger la crisis

    Aren't these the ones you stole from Jason Wilson? Stole in the loosest sense of the word, of course.  

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